Making Sure the Portland OR Accident Lawyer You Hired Represents You

by | Jun 6, 2013 | Lawyer

Following a car accident, you may feel that you are not being treated properly. You may be getting the runaround from the responsible parties and you may not be getting much movement from the insurance companies that are supposed to compensate you for the accident you were involved in.

If this is the case, then you may have good cause to contact an Accident Lawyer Portland OR in order to get some resolution when it comes to the compensation that is owed to you. However, when you hire an accident lawyer, also known as a personal injury lawyer, there is something that you will want to consider, and it’s something that many people often overlook.

The whole point of hiring an accident lawyer in the Portland Oregon area is to have that lawyer represent you in dealing with the people who were involved in the accident. However, in many situations, especially if the case is particularly difficult or it looks like a settlement may not be imminent, the attorney may not be representing you as best as they could.

In these situations, attorneys may pass off your case to various paralegals that work within their legal practice. It’s important to understand that attorneys routinely make very good use of their paralegals, and often times, they will be responsible for doing a fair amount of work on a particular personal injury case. However, if they seem to be taking the lead on your case, and the attorney that you’ve hired doesn’t appear to be spending a great deal of time working on your case, then this could very well be a reason for great concern, especially considering that you’ll still be paying the lawyers fees.

Many clients demand that attorneys sign agreements or contracts that require them to take the lead on personal injury litigation. For this reason, you may want to consider the possibility of entering into an agreement with the attorney that you have chosen to represent you that will spell out their obligations to you when representing you in a personal injury or auto accident case.

When you hire an attorney to represent you, you want to make sure that that attorney is the one who’s running with the ball. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen and there are ways in which you, as the client, can protect your own interests, even when it involves the lawyer that you’ve hired to represent you.

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