Considering A Medical Malpractice Case In Riverside

by | Oct 21, 2013 | Bankruptcy Lawyer

Many people think of a doctor making a mistake in a hospital setting, when they think of medical malpractice, but that’s not the only instance of malpractice that can occur. Of course, if a doctor makes a grave mistake in the hospital, it could be malpractice, but malpractice also happens in the doctor’s office, dental office, and psychiatrist’s office, too. It’s not limited to mistakes by doctors, either. A nurse can be sued for Medical Malpractice In Riverside, just as well as a doctor.

There are different ways malpractice can occur. A doctor may do an operation incorrectly, or on the wrong body part! A patient can be misdiagnosed due to negligence on the part of a doctor or the medical team. A dentist can do serious damage with dental tools, if he’s not capable of performing the procedures he attempts, and an inattentive psychiatrist can prescribe an incorrect prescription that causes a devastating and mind altering reaction to a patient that leads to serious consequences. It’s important that a nurse follow doctor’s instructions to the letter, but if she doesn’t for whatever the reason, and a patient is either injured, becomes more ill or even dies, there can be grounds for a malpractice case against the nurse.

Hiring an attorney to handle your medical malpractice case is the first step to ensuring justice for yourself or for a family member that has suffered, due to the hands of inept medical care. Most attorneys offer a free consultation for you to speak with them. You’ll have time to explain the situation and the attorney will advise you as to what your next step should be to get the compensation you, or your family member, deserve.

Most malpractice attorneys work on a contingency basis. That means you don’t pay them up front, but instead they receive a portion of your settlement, when the case is over. This is normal practice and works well for most clients, as they are not denied legal representation due to cost. Just be aware of the percentage the attorney will be paid when you receive a settlement check, so that you don’t have an unwelcome surprise.


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