It is difficult traveling through life with a physical or mental disability. You are not alone. Let a Social Security attorney in Rockford assist you with your initial Social Security Disability application. You may be eligible to obtain SSI or SSDI benefits. Even if you have a disabled infant or child with a physiological impairment, a Social Security attorney in Rockford will be able to assist you.
SSDI, Social Security Disability, is available for individuals based upon their work histories. You must have the sufficient number of work credits to qualify for this benefit. If you a limited amount of work history, don’t worry. The government has provided SSI or Supplemental Security Income. It is available for individuals who are indigent or who have a lack of resources and assets.
Perhaps, you need SSDI for your children from a deceased parent, and you have been unable to obtain a DNA sample. A Social Security attorney from Rockford can assist you with this as well.
The Social Security Administration approves some cases immediately upon the initial application. Some of these cases include terminal cancers or HIV. Other diseases, like obesity with herniated disc or diabetes, you will need a specialist to present your completed application for the best outcome. Your attorney will also assist you even if have depression and anxiety. In order to obtain social security benefits, you must be unable to work for at least a year or have a clearly defined disease or illness.
It is difficult to maneuver the Social Security Disability application process alone. Majority of the cases are denied upon initial review. You want to make sure your paperwork is completely free of errors. Moreover, you must submit verifiable medical records and completed interrogatories.
It is important to contact Jeffrey A. Rabin & Associates, Ltd at We will handle your case from the initial application to the federal appeal as necessary. Your attorney fees are deducted from your disability benefits. Your well-being during this difficult process is our utmost dedication.