Hiring Bail Agents in San Diego

by | May 9, 2020 | General

In San Diego, bail bonding agents provide assistance for criminal defendants who have been arrested. These service providers offer bail bonds that are available at a percentage of the bail. Criminal defendants should know what to expect when they hire bail agents in San Diego.

Hiring the Bail Bondsman

The first step is to hire the bail bondsman and provide all necessary details. The bondsman needs to know the defendant’s entire name, where they are held, and their booking number. These details will help the bondsman find the right defendant at the jail and avoid mistakes.

Advocating for the Defendant’s Release

The bondsman attends the arraignment and advocates for the defendant’s release. They don’t provide legal advice and do not act as an attorney. The bondsman negotiates the bail with the judge and tries to get a lower rate for the defendant.

Providing Defendants Advisement in Jail

Bondsmen are allowed to meet with the defendants in the county jail but they don’t provide legal counsel; they only provide information regarding bail bonds and the defendant’s options. The bondsmen tell the defendant how much a bail bond will cost if the defendant wants to purchase one. The process is explained to the defendant and that they have the option to choose a representative to pay for their bail bond.

Getting Defendants Released in a Timely Manner

The defendant must remain in jail until the bail bond is processed. If they are arrested on a weekend, then there is a possibility that the defendant could stay in jail until the following Monday. However, if the bail bondsman can get in contact with a judge earlier, then release is possible. All other defendants are released as soon as the documents are provided to the correctional officers.

In San Diego, some bail bonding agents offer affordable bail bonds for criminal defendants. The defendant or their representative pays the bail bonding agent according to the fees required by the agents. Criminal defendants who need to hire bail agents in San Diego and find the best solutions can contact San Diego Bail Bonds agency right now for more details. You can connect with them on Facebook for more updates!

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