How an Attorney Can Help a Personal Injury Victim in Scottsdale, AZ

by | Aug 21, 2020 | Personal Injury Attorney

If you were hurt in a car accident that was caused by the negligence of someone else, you deserve compensation. However, you cannot trust insurance companies to always have your best interest at heart. Here are just a few things to consider to help you get the most out of a personal injury case.

Right from the get-go, you will need a personal injury attorney in Scottsdale, AZ, to help you prepare for your case. They will give you advice on how to protect yourself along with helping you build a strong case. For example, your lawyer may advise you to stay off of your social media accounts while your case is being investigated. Pictures you post or comments you make, could be used against you. For example, there may be a day when you don’t feel well but go to the beach just to relax. The opposing side could take those pictures and say that you are actually doing better than you claim. This can have a negative impact on your case.

Something else that your personal injury attorney in Scottsdale, AZ, will strongly recommend is that you follow all treatments prescribed by your doctor related to your injuries. They will also tell you to keep receipts and other documents related to physical therapy, medication, bandages, or other things that will play a role in determining what your settlement should look like. Not following doctor’s orders or documenting the treatments you have received can be used against you as well. Make sure you keep records of these treatments and receipts if applicable.

Learn how Snyder & Wenner, P.C. has helped victims of car accidents and personal injuries for over 30 years by visiting their website at .

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