An Insurance Lawyer in Rapid City can Help Settle Your Case

by | Aug 30, 2013 | Lawyer

Insurance claims adjusters work for insurers; they are not consumer advocates, nor are they unbiased. In the article below, you will learn what an adjuster does, and the type of information they collect.

Insurance Adjuster’s Job Description

After an auto accident, a claims adjuster is sent to the scene, the driver’s residence, auto shop, or salvage yard–wherever the vehicle is located. It is the adjuster’s job to form estimates on the amount of injury and damage caused by an accident. Most insurance companies are under an unspoken directive to pay as little as possible in claims, by underestimating the amount of damage.

Damage Investigation

The adjuster’s work begins with an examination of the vehicles damaged in the accident, as well as any other damaged property. They take pictures, measurements, notes and gather information about the damage. In some cases, the insurance adjuster supervises the transport of damaged vehicles.

Investigation of Repair Costs

After the vehicle is taken to a repair shop for an estimate, the adjuster reviews the quote to determine its feasibility. Insurance adjusters frequently conduct research to make ‘reasonable cost’ determinations. Most will look for the least expensive service provider, and will dispute the validity of some repairs to keep costs low.

Personal Interviews

A claims adjuster may ask to interview drivers involved in an accident, or they may ask to talk to passengers or witnesses. An adjuster can make such a request in cases of substantial personal injury or property damage, if the claim seems abnormally large, or if the insurer just wants to keep costs as low as possible. The adjuster asks questions on accident events, damages, and the conduct of drivers involved. The conversation with the adjuster can be used in court, usually against the insured.

Written Reports

At the end of an investigation, the adjuster prepares a written report with the data mentioned above. The report covers the damages and their repair costs, recommending the amount the insurer should pay the claimant. The insured party does not get access to the report, but they receive notification of the settlement offer or claim denial. If you believe your insurance claim has been wrongfully denied, call an Insurance Lawyer Rapid City today.

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