Historically, physicians lacked a true understanding of malignant tumors. The medical community used to think of cancers as the result of bad humors or concentrations of bile. During those days, physicians used exaggeration and oversimplification when explaining their...

A Basic Overview Of Qualifications For Social Security Disability In Kansas City
When people in Kansas City become sick and cannot work, they may be eligible to receive Social Security disability benefits. However, these benefits do require extensive and specific documentation of the severity of the condition, the inability of the individual to...
Taking Legal Action After a Loved One Dies While Working as a Seaman
Offshore jobs can offer lucrative salaries and unbeatable benefits. However, they also come with sizable risks that often lead to the loss of life or permanent injury. When a loved one dies while working an offshore job, it is logical to think at first that you have...
Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Chicago
Statistics Up to 11% of all roadway accidents in the United States involve motorcycles, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. When a motorcyclist is involved in an accident, he or she is 35 times more...
Preeclampsia: What Pregnant Women Should Know
There are so many side effects to being pregnant that sometimes, women may not be able to tell what symptoms are simply part of pregnancy and which ones require medical attention. Preeclampsia can be dangerous, and, if untreated, can lead to serious consequences for...