It’s natural to feel guilty when you can’t keep up with your bills. Most people who find themselves facing the prospect of foreclosure are inclined to blame themselves and to assume that it was their failures and shortcomings that created the situation. Usually, though, the reality is a lot more complicated than that. You shouldn’t just go along with the process when you still have the opportunity to put up a fight. Your first move should be to contact the Greenbelt MD Best Bankruptcy Attorney you can get.
The first thing that an attorney will most likely do with you is explore the idea of filing for bankruptcy. This is an important step if you’re facing imminent foreclosure, because a bankruptcy filing puts an immediate halt to the foreclosure proceedings. In some cases, people simply use this as an opportunity to get a few more months in the home while they put money aside to enable themselves to afford an apartment or other living space. In other situations, it’s possible to either find a legal argument or come up with an agreement that allows for keeping the house. For example, people are sometimes able to get rulings that restructure their payments in a way that they can afford, so that there’s no need to lose the house at all.
While the process is brought to a halt, you should take the opportunity to have your situation properly assessed. It’s a mistake to assume that the bank has the legal right to foreclose just because they say they do. There are many documented cases of bank employees making false claims on legal documents, such as signing forms saying that they have the legally required paperwork when they actually do not. There have even been situations where a bank tried to foreclose on a home that the resident owned outright. Your case might turn out to be completely legal, but the only way that you can know for sure is to take a close look at the situation.
Working with the Greenbelt MD Best Bankruptcy Attorney that you can get is an important step toward a better financial future. The tools and options that are available will vary depending on the details of your situation, so you should always consult with an attorney before making any irreversible decisions about your finances. Visit Us for more details.
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