Every criminal defendant is presumed innocent and entitled to a vigorous defense. While everyone should know that they are entitled to an attorney before speaking to the police, police officers are skilled interrogators. When people are arrested on any charge from burglary to assault, the arresting officers will try and get the person to confess. Even though they will read a person their Miranda rights, they will insinuate that things will go easier for them if they confess.
A defendant should only speak with one of the Philadelphia Criminal Lawyers that are available to help them. They can call these attorneys 24 hours a day 7 days a week. As soon as the defendant calls, the lawyer will make sure that they are represented at the arraignment hearing. That’s where the judge will ask the defendant to plead innocent or guilty and determine bail.
The defense attorney will review all of the police reports, crime scene evidence, and witness interviews. He will even hire a private investigator to double check all of the evidence that the police are basing their case on. Forensic experts can disagree on all types of physical evidence, even fingerprints. Therefore a criminal lawyer will hire different types of experts to review every aspect of the case. DNA evidence can be suspect, if it wasn’t handled properly. If the defendant’s blood was on an object near the test equipment, it’s possible to pick up DNA from that.
Police have been known to ignore alibi evidence. The defendant’s attorney won’t allow this to happen. If the defendant claims that he was at a bar several miles from the crime, the attorney will interview witnesses, gather surveillance camera evidence, and other proof that his client was at a different location. Even if the police don’t believe it, the attorney will use it to create reasonable doubt in the minds of jury members.
During this entire process, the defendant has to remember not to say anything about the case to anyone. This includes posting on Facebook and using Twitter. Defendant’s have undermined their case by making statements in these places that don’t match their statements to the police. Connect with us on Google+!