If someone you were once close to is now threatening to get a protective order against you, you may set up an appointment with the Law Office of Mitchell M Shapiro. This is an Order of Protection Attorney Suffolk County NY who is going to work hard to make sure that your rights are protected. After all, if someone has a protective order against you, that is something that is never going to go away. You will never be able to buy a gun. You will also have something on your permanent record that can be a little embarrassing.
Get on the phone with an Order of Protection Attorney Suffolk County NY who will work hard to get that protective order removed so that you can get on with your life and not have to worry about having anything bad on your criminal record.
It is understandable that we all lose our temper at one time or another. However, it depends on the extent of the situation. For example, if you got in a screaming match with your ex-wife, this is hardly a reason for a protective order and your attorney will help the judge to understand this.
If alcohol were a factor in the argument, your Order of Protection Attorney Suffolk County NY may be able to convince the judge to give you a break as long as you are willing to quit drinking. Work closely with your attorney and make sure that he is completely aware of everything that has gone on. This way, there will be no question as to the behavior that you are responsible for.
Just because you made one minor mistake with someone who decided to push it to the fullest extent, it doesn’t mean that you should be punished for the rest of your life. If the restraining order was with a former spouse and the two of you have children together, you need to figure out a way to get it lifted so that you can still be a part of your children’s lives. Set up an appointment with an Order of Protection Attorney Suffolk County NY to learn more.